Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thoppukaranam / Super Brain Yoga - Why and How?

It has been our tradition to start our day by praying Lord Ganesha, doing our regular practice of thoppu karanam. What we do for thousands of years is now rediscovered in the name of "Super Brain Yoga" by the west.

Thoppukaranam / Super Brain yoga helps to balance the left and right brain of a human being. As we know the left brain is for Logical reasoning and the right brain takes decision based on emotions / intuitions. For a healthy balanced life the working of both sides of the brain should be balanced and this is exactly achieved by thoppukaranam.

Why do it for Lord Ganesha?
Well, as per our tradition, Ganesha is the First God we pray to start any activity and to start anything better, you need to have the balanced approach. We obtain it by doing this simple exercise called thoppukarnam.
Remember, thoppukarnam used to be the punishment in school days. It is a thoughtful punishment. I would not call it a punishment rather correction after knowing the meaning and effect of thoppukarnam. Any mistake is done by improper functioning of brain, either it is not active or we make it inactive. Thus thoppukarnam was made a punishment in olden days to reactivate the brain.

To know how to do this thoppukarnam, refer this video. I guess any exercise told by the west would have more reach and so let us learn this exercise also from them. 
It is sad to know there is no reference to India / Indian practices in this video. Why? we all know the answer.

It is interesting to know  Master Choa Kok Sui's Institute for Inner Studies at Manila has the patent for this. He is the modern founder of Pranic healing. For what we know for generations after generations there is someone else who can claim a patent. 

The reason why this exercise helps improve memory power is explained in the video. 

Thoppukarnam helps to balance the right and left brain. The acupressure points in the ear lobe activate the left and right brain which helps in improving memory. But there is an addition to it. Heard of the "pillayar kuttu" done after this practice? It is to awaken the ajna chakra / the third eye as per the spiritual world. As per scientific world, it is the meridian point to the Pineal gland. This actually helps improve the memory power and consciousness. 
This kind of tapping technique is adopted as the modern tapping therapy and an alternate healing procedure is in practice now in the name of Emotional Freedom Technique

Hope the lost / forgotten ancient practices are rediscovered and spread across this time with the right explanation instead of covering it up with religion.

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