Friday, December 9, 2011


Upanayanam is an important ancient tradition. These days mainly the brahmin community have this as a practice but scanning the history reveals upanayam is done for Brahmin, Vaishya and Kshatriya
Interestingly upanayanam is not a tradition for a specific varna but a tradition for Aryans. Parsis also have this sacred thread ceremony in the name of Navjot and the sacred thread according to them is called kushti.
Not only the Aryans but native Americans also have this sacred thread in the name izze kloth

back to Upanayanam...
Upanayanam ceremony marks an entry to the studies of boys. Upa means "near" and nayanam means "taking". Upanayanam is a ceremony to take the boy to the Brahmacharya Phase of his life.  This is usually done in the age 8 of Brahmin boys, 11 for Kshatriya and 12 for Vaishya. For Brahmin boys upanayanam is done early as his Father  acts as the first Guru whereas Kshatriyas and Vaishyas are expected to be with Guru in their Gurkulavasam and so the ceremony is done when the boys are able to be on their own. After Upanayanam, the boy is said to be Dvija " Twice  Born" - first birth being the physical and the second is enlightenment / spiritual birth.

Upanayanam Rituals

During this ceremony Yagnopavithamthe sacred thread is placed around the left shoulder of the boy. Know the significance of this sacred thread?

Science again!
This sacred thread is supposed to be divine and so the boy must wear it around his ear when he passes urine. Why? Cleanliness, the first reason. The other main reason is the Pituitary gland!! The thread around the ear triggers the pituitary gland meridian which helps in regulating the urine flow. Pituitary gland helps in the proper functioning of sexual organs, bladder and kidney movements. By placing the thread around the ear, the gland functions properly.

Why is the sacred thread followed only among Brahman, Vaishya and Kshatriya?
As you know the varna was formed mainly based on the type of work performed by a group of people. Brahmin community were mostly into Pooja, Vaishya are land owners and money lenders, kshatriya are  into military.  Physical activities were limited to these communities with the exception to Kshatriya but due to their nature of work, Kshatriya were expected to stay in different weather conditions. To avoid problems resulting from lack of physical activities / extreme climate the sacred thread was introduced. After Upanayanam, the boys are mostly by themselves and they undergo different training to attain the wisdom and power of their respective varna.

Why is upanayanam not done for girls?
Ear Piercing!

Science of Hinduism
Upanayanam - Rites and Rituals
Upanayanam by Ammu Paati
A sacred thread: modern transmission of Hindu traditions in India and abroad -  By Raymond Brady Williams

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